extend student visa canada

Are you currently in Canada on a student visa and looking to extend your stay?  If so, there is an application process involving declarations and other required documentation that you’ll need to properly complete and submit in a timely fashion.  It’s highly recommended to complete your application to extend your student visa at least 30 days before your existing student visa expires.  If you wait too long and your current student visa expires while you are waiting for your new application to be approved there are rules that you need to follow in order to remain in good standing.  The rules and restrictions vary depending on your situation, but they can affect if you are allowed to work during this period or what would happen if you travelled outside of Canada before your new student visa was granted.

Canada Student Visa

At Bains Professional Corporation we are experts in the process of obtaining and extending a Canada student visa.  We will help you avoid mistakes that can lead to applications being rejected and make sure your application to study in Canada is processed properly and efficiently.  Avoid the stress and anxiety of this important process by allowing the professionals at Bains Professional Corporation to guide you through the whole process.

Bains Professional Corporation (BPC) is a general practice law firm with over 25 years of combined experience providing Immigration law services including helping people come to Canada to study.  BPC is dedicated to providing our clients with the highest standard of legal service. We apply our legal knowledge and experience to simplify the legal world into terms our clients understand so they can make the best decisions for themselves, their family and their business. We strive to achieve the unique individual goals of each of our clients and utilize our skills to achieve optimal results. We ensure that our advice is practical, innovative, affordable and always conducted punctually.  BPC also offers services in Punjabi, Urdu and Hindi.  Office phone (416) 744-3939, email info@bainspc.com.